Morphology - introduction
[1] Mathworks, Morphological Operations, online: [2] Gonzalez, R., C., Woods, E., W., Digital Image Processing, Global Edition, 4th edition, Pearson 2018, ISBN 10: 1-292-22304-9 [3] Gonzalez, R., C., Woods, E., W., Eddings, S., L., Digital Image Processing using MATLAB, Gatesmark Publishing, ISBN-10: 0-9820854-1-9 [4] Haralick, Robert M., and Linda G. Shapiro. Computer and Robot Vision, Volume I. Addison-Wesley, 1992. The PDF version of this text is available here: morphology_intro_eng.pdf
Morphology is a field of image processing that is based on set theory. The basis is working with a black and white (binary) image. Morphological operations are also defined for a grayscale image and can be extended to a color and 3D image. In the following sections, we will focus on morphological operations with black-and-white and grayscale images. More information about morphology and morphological operations can be found in [1] [2] [3].References